Learn to Love Yourself,
Discover the shortcut to self-love with The Self-Love Toolkit: a proven step-by-step framework that will help you learn how to love yourself unconditionally (in just 15 minutes per day!)

Get instant access to 500+ self-love journal prompts, self-care ideas, self-compassion exercises, step-by-step video training, audio guided meditations, and so much more...

Can you relate to one of these limiting beliefs?

We all struggle with limiting beliefs and we all have that inner critical voice on the back of our heads.
That’s your inner critic. It’s NOT you.
That’s the good news. 
The bad news?
You’re going to have to face it sooner or later.
The inner critic isn’t going away unless you take back your power.
So how can you do that?
By learning to love yourself, unconditionally.
It’s easy to love yourself when you’re winning; when you’re on top of your game, or you’ve done something you’re proud of.
The tough part is to love yourself when you’re at your lowest, barely keeping it together, crying on the kitchen floor…
That’s the moment when you need yourself the most.
You have nothing to fix because you’re not broken.
You have nothing to improve because you’re enough as you are.
All you need to do is remember who you were before everyone else told you who you should be.
Stop abandoning yourself. Stay this time for good.

Does this sound familiar?

You just woke up. Couldn’t get a good night’s sleep. 

You feel exhausted, anxious, and reach for your phone to see what other people are up to. 

Throughout the day, you find small things to beat yourself up for and avoid saying 'no' because you want to make everyone else happy.

Before you know it, it’s time to go to bed. 

You’re consuming content, scrolling on social media, and trying to figure out why you’re not more like X, Y, Z. You keep comparing yourself because you don’t feel enough as you are.

At some point, you fall asleep, and the cycle repeats itself.

What if your life was different?

Imagine waking up in the morning with a smile on your face. You look in the mirror and you feel good about yourself. You set the intention to have an amazing day. 

All throughout the day, you feel calm, happy, and content with yourself. 

You exude confidence and others respect you. Most importantly, you respect yourself.

You come back home after work and enjoy your own company. You no longer have the urge to compare yourself to others because you’re taking care of yourself. 

You go to bed and can’t wait to wake up tomorrow, because life is too good to be slept on.
That 's what  self-love can do  for you.
From: Simona
Date: The day I finally chose myself
I have a confession to make: I’ve always struggled with self-love.
You know the promises you make to yourself when you’re a kid? “I’m never going to let X, Y, Z…”
Well, I remember it clearly: I made one of those.
Mine was: “I’m never going to trust anyone ever again.”
And boy, did that mess me up...
So many people tried to love me. Did everything in their power to keep me safe.
And what did I do? I kept looking for clues. Kept searching for some sort of betrayal. Kept waiting for that inevitable abandonment in the end.
Until one day it dawned on me…
I wasn’t scared of other people abandoning me. I was actually… 
abandoning myself!
I did it every day unconsciously by:
  • People-pleasing
  • Ignoring my instincts
  • Being my worst enemy
The truth is that no one could hurt me the way I was hurting myself in my head.
I was my worst critic. My forever nightmare. My always-ON radio station.
Every time I tried to make a step forward, my limiting beliefs held me back.
What was stopping me from escaping this never-ending cycle?
The #1 toxic belief I had: that I wasn’t good enough.
Anxiety, insomnia, problems in the romantic department, and SO.MUCH.DRAMA…
I’ve been through it all.
Until one night… everything changed.
I remember it vividly like it was yesterday:
*Another 3 AM night*
Me, setting on the kitchen floor.
Bawling my eyes out.
I had abandoned myself again:
  • Prioritized him over me.
  • ​My career over my health.
  • ​My family over my own voice.
I was suffocating from tears.
Crying so loudly, my neighbors could hear.
But I didn’t care.
That was probably the lowest moment in my life.
That night, I realized I couldn’t take it anymore.
I was tired of putting everyone else’s needs before my own.
I was exhausted from pretending to be someone I wasn’t.
I was absolutely devastated by all the pain and abuse I had endured over the years.
That was the moment I said to myself:
I wiped the tears off of my face, hugged myself gently, and sat in silence for about an hour.
Then all of a sudden, I felt something I’d never felt before:
A sense of peace, light, and warmth started flowing through my body.
My heart was overflowing with love.
That was the moment I realized I didn’t have to work so hard to “deserve” love.
I didn’t need anyone else to feel loved.
I already had love.
I was love.
I just had to learn how to tap into this magical feeling I felt for the first time in my life.
That  magical thing called self-love.
That  magical  thing called  self-love.

Then why is it so hard to practice self-love?

We’ve all been conditioned to think that self-love is… selfish.
This couldn’t be further from the truth!
Self-love is the ONLY way to heal. It’s the most important work you’ll ever do.
The tricky thing is, all external reality does is distract you from what you already know deep inside: you know what’s best for you.
You just can’t hear your inner voice anymore.
But why does this happen?
Society, social media, your family, colleagues, and friends—they all have their own ideas of how life should look like.
Seeking validation from outside, or needing to hear that you’re loved by someone else is not enough.
Learning to listen to your inner voice and knowing deep down that you’re worth it: that’s what self-love is.
Contrary to popular opinion, you DON'T need *just one more* thing to feel complete.
You are enough as you are, no matter who you are, no matter how much money you make, or who you’re with…
Your worth is inherent.
The problem is you forgot who you were before everyone else told you who you should be.
You started listening to your parents, your teachers, society...
You stopped trusting yourself.
You dimmed your own light.

Can you relate to one of these limiting beliefs?

We all struggle with limiting beliefs and we all have that inner critical voice on the back of our heads.
That’s your inner critic. It’s NOT you.
That’s the good news. 
Want to hear the bad news?
You’re going to have to face it sooner or later.
The inner critic isn’t going away unless you take back your power.
So how can you do that?
By learning to love yourself, unconditionally.
It’s easy to love yourself when you’re winning; when you’re on top of your game, or you’ve done something you’re proud of.
The tough part is to love yourself when you’re at your lowest, barely keeping it together, crying on the kitchen floor…
That’s the moment when you need yourself the most.
You have nothing to fix because you’re not broken.
You have nothing to improve because you’re enough as you are.
All you need to do is remember who you were before everyone else told you who you should be.
Stop abandoning yourself. Stay this time for good.

What if your life was different?

Imagine waking up in the morning with a smile on your face. You look in the mirror and you feel good about yourself. You set the intention to have an amazing day. 

All throughout the day, you feel calm, happy, and content with yourself. 

You exude confidence and others respect you. Most importantly, you respect yourself.

You come back home after work and enjoy your own company. You no longer have the urge to compare yourself to others because you’re taking care of yourself. 

You go to bed and can’t wait to wake up tomorrow, because life is too good to be slept on.
That 's what  self-love can do  for you.

Hey, I 'm Simona!


Hey, I 'm Simona!

I’m a certified Life Coach for women and author of the book "111 Ways to Simplify Your Life."

Throughout my coaching practice, I’ve helped hundreds of women get rid of old limiting beliefs and become abundantly confident by being unapologetically themselves.
The Self-Love Toolkit is what I wish I had years ago when I didn't know how to love myself: the shortcut to self-love. A no-fluff, straight-to-the point solution that finally gives an answer to the question:
"Okay, but HOW do I learn to love myself?"
I will give you the exact steps I took to change my life and share my proprietary 3S System that I've taught hundreds of women all over the world.
My mission is to help you stop putting other people’s needs before your own, build unshakeable self-confidence, and learn how to love yourself, unconditionally.

That's why I created The Self-Love Toolkit.

I want to help you feel beautiful, happy, and free, by learning how to 
respect, accept, and love every part of yourself.

I know what you're thinking...

You’ve probably been tricked before. 
You’ve taken a course, you’ve read some books, you’ve tried everything you thought would change your life, but somehow it remained the same. 
I hear you. I’ve tried almost everything under the sun but the only thing that truly worked for me was to learn to ask the right questions and tune inward to find the answers.
The Self-Love Toolkit is something I’ve been meaning to do for a very long time but felt like an impostor. I had to walk the talk before I could teach others how to love themselves.
I had to go through the transformation myself first, so that I could share it with my 1:1 coaching clients. And now, I have the ability to make it accessible to women all over the world.
This has been my dream for the longest time: to make tools like these available for anyone.
I remember the time when I wouldn’t have spent $37 on myself.
I would’ve spent them on makeup, clothes, and jewelry, sure…
But not on myself.
I felt as if I wasn’t important enough. I wasn’t precious enough. I didn’t deserve all that.
I tried to fix the problem from the outside, but learned the hard way that all the material things in the world, all the gold stars and achievements, and all the *I love you's* from my loved ones weren’t enough to fill the void inside.
Only I  could.

There is a better way...

The Self-Love Toolkit is not a miracle cure. *I mean, it’s pretty close to being one, but still…*
You have to be ready to put in the work. Use the journals, try the prompts and ideas, go through the exercises. Be open to trying out new things, even if you feel resistance at first.
I’ve compiled all the tools you’ll ever need to practice self-love, self-care, and self-compassion.
That is my promise to you.
You don’t have to worry about “one more book” or “one more course...”
This is the last self-love toolkit you’ll ever need.
My goal for you is to NOT need anything from me on this topic ever again.
I want to show you how to be able to do this on your own because I believe that you already have all the answers to all the questions you could possibly ask.
You just need to learn how to listen.
I will give you the exact steps I took to change my life and The 3S System that I've taught hundreds of women just like you.

The Self-Love Toolkit is perfect for you if:

  • You want to learn how to love yourself, unconditionally
  • You're excited about putting yourself first without feeling guilty
  • ​​You're tired of letting other people’s opinions of you define your worth
  • You know it's time to set healthy boundaries
  • ​You want to feel better in your own skin
  • ​You're ready to finally say *YES* to yourself

Here's what's included in The Self-Love Toolkit:

Let 's  take a peek inside!

(Value $197)
Wondering how to start your self-love journey? The Self-Love Masterclass will teach you my proprietary framework and show you exactly how to love yourself, unconditionally. If you want to harness the power of self-kindness and self-respect, this is the only training you need.
(Value $147)
Tried meditating before, but it didn't really resonate with you? The Meditation Vault is designed to help you shift your perspective when it comes to meditating and learn how to do it in a simple and efficient way. Every audio meditation is only 4-5 minutes long and you can listen to it anywhere, anytime.
(Value $77)
Not happy with your inner self-talk? The Self-Acceptance Guide will teach you how to accept yourself for exactly who you are and stop being so mean to yourself. This eBook is designed to help you unlearn everything that no longer aligns with your truth and take the first step to reinventing yourself. 
The Self-love journal
(Value $197)
The journal that’s changed the lives of hundreds of women all over the world. This is not your typical journal with 5-10 prompts and no place to write! It’s a complete solution with 180+ journaling prompts, exercises, and the best self-love tools I’ve used with my 1:1 coaching clients over the years.
365 Days of Self-Care
(Value $97)
Don’t have time to think about self-care? I’ve got you! These 365 ideas will take the guesswork out of your self-care practice. Every day, you’ll have a different quest, challenge, or question to answer. 365 pages, 365 ideas, 365 happy days. Let’s make self-care easy, fun, and effortless again!
The Self-Compassion Method
(Value $147)
The one-and-only method you will ever need to practice self-compassion. After completing this workbook, you’ll know exactly how to silence your inner critic and be kinder to yourself. No fluff, just practical exercises that will help you get to know yourself better.

Plus, you get over $300 in bonuses...

BONUS #1: The Miracle Morning Routine
(Value $77)
Have you tried other people's morning routines only to discover they don't work for you? The miracle morning routine is a morning routine on your own terms. No more wondering what that is! By the end of it, you’ll know exactly what type of morning routine best suits your lifestyle and schedule.
BONUS #2: The Healthy Boundaries Blueprint
(Value $197)
Tired of saying 'no' to yourself and saying 'yes' to everyone else? This workbook will teach you exactly how to set healthy boundaries without sacrificing your relationships. Forget about the 30-hour-long courses on how to say no! I’ll give you the exact scripts you need + show you how to use them in action.
BONUS #3: The Dream Life Formula
(Value $97)
(*Hint: there isn’t one*) Here's the brutal truth: there's NO one dream-life-formula that applies to everyone. But there is a system that can help you approach life in a healthier way and achieve the goals you set for yourself. The Dream Life Formula will help you learn how to cultivate amazing new habits and get rid of what's holding you back.

And here comes the best part...

I want you to feel relaxed and content with your purchase.
You’re protected by a 100% lifetime access guarantee!
The Self-Love Toolkit will never expire! In fact, with this lifetime access guarantee, you will get all future updates and bonuses for free.

Oh, and did I forget to mention...

You get TWO (!) digital versions of ALL of the workbooks: 
As someone who's tried lots of journals in the past, I always had two complaints: I couldn’t print them out and I never had enough space to journal. So I made sure to solve both of these problems with The Self-Love Toolkit!
  • No more awkwardly printed out workbooks
  • No more running out of space to journal
  • No more cheat sheets forgotten in your drawers
  • Simple, easy to implement exercises
  • Thought-provoking journaling questions
  • Fun self-care ideas to brighten up your day

By the end of this program, you will:

Get The Self-Love Toolkit + All Amazing Bonuses for Just $47!

(Limited-Time Offer, One-Time Payment)

Here's what  you'll  get :
The Complete Self-Love Toolkit ($862 Value)
  • The Self-Love Masterclass ($197 Value)
  • ​The Meditation Vault ($147 Value)
  • ​The Self-Acceptance Guide ($77 Value)
  • ​The Self-Love Journal ($197 Value)
  • 365 Days of Self-Care ($97 Value)
  • The Self-Compassion Method ($147 Value)
Plus  these bonuses:
  • BONUS #1: The Miracle Morning Routine ($77 Value)
  • BONUS #2: The Healthy Boundaries Blueprint ($197 Value)
  • BONUS #3: The Dream Life Formula ($97 Value)
Total Value = $1,233
Regular Price = $97
*Limited-Time Offer. One-time Payment of Only $47*

FAQs about The Self-Love Toolkit:

What exactly is in The Self-Love Toolkit?

You’ll get 12 downloadable files filled with over 180 journaling prompts, 365 self-care ideas, hundreds of helpful exercises, and worksheets. It’s everything you need to practice self-love, self-care, and self-compassion without needing to spend thousands of dollars on private coaching. The DIY format lets you go through the materials at your own pace and at your own convenience.

Will it really help me love myself?

Yes! The Self-Love Toolkit is a proven step-by-step framework that I’ve been using with my 1:1 coaching clients for years. I wholeheartedly stand behind all of my products and know that if you’re willing to put in the work, you will see results. The best part? You have a 100% lifetime access guarantee, so you’ll get all future updates or bonuses for free.

Is everything available immediately?

Yes! You’ll receive an email immediately after your purchase, giving you the link to access your membership portal, so that you can download all the materials straight away.

Is this a subscription?

Nope! This is a one-time payment of only $47.

I don’t finish even half of my courses… Should I buy this product?

Another half-course finisher here… 🙋‍♀️ I know your time is precious, that’s why I’ve designed The Self-Love Toolkit as a DIY version. You don’t need my support to go through the exercises and you can always come back and pick up where you left off. However, these tools can become *too much fun*, especially when you start gaining momentum. So, don’t say I didn’t warn you! You may NOT want to put them down.

I’m single/in a relationship/married. Will this work for me?

The Self-Love Toolkit is about transforming the relationship you have with yourself, so any other relationship (or lack thereof) won’t interfere with your progress. In fact, by going through the materials, you will likely find that other aspects of your life start to improve, including your relationships.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you’re protected by a 100% lifetime access guarantee + you’ll receive all future updates and bonuses for free! You can download, fill in, and print out all the materials as many times as you wish, as long as they are for your personal use only.

How much time will it take?

The Self-Love Toolkit is a self-paced program that consists of digital downloads, so you can spend as much or as little time as you’d like. For best results, I recommend spending at least 15 minutes per day, so you can gain momentum. Make it your special treat for the day and you’ll start looking forward to it! 

Will I be able to print the materials out and use them as worksheets? 

Yes! As someone who's tried lots of journals in the past, I always had two complaints: I couldn’t print them out and I didn’t have enough space to journal. So I made sure to solve both of these problems with The Self-Love Toolkit! You'll have plenty of space to write in them (most of the prompts come with a whole page to journal, sometimes even 2).

How fast can I expect to see results?

If you follow The 3S System and start with Pillar I: The Self-Love Journal, you can expect to have “AHA” moments and deep realizations in the first few days. However, the deeper transformation will happen over the next few months, as you continue with your self-love practice.

Who will this NOT work for?

If you’re looking for a long, comprehensive video course, this is not the program for you. The Self-Love Toolkit is designed to help you self-reflect, journal, and do exercises so that you can build a healthy relationship with yourself. It’s not a coaching program and it doesn’t include 1:1 support.

What if I need more support?

The Self-Love Toolkit is the best place to start if you’re looking for a DIY solution to build the foundation: your relationship with yourself. But if you’re ready to take a deep dive into healing past trauma, building unshakeable self-confidence, and improving your relationships with others, check out my signature program The Queen Within.

Can I share it with a friend?

All the materials in The Self-Love Toolkit are for your personal use only. If you want to share the toolkit with a friend, they’ll have to purchase it separately. For more information on our policies, please read our Terms and Conditions below.

Can I get a refund?

By purchasing The Self-Love Toolkit, you receive access to digital downloadable content. Due to the digital nature of this product, we do not offer refunds and all sales are final. With that said, if you have any issues or questions at all, our team is just an email away! Reach out to support@coachsimona.com

My question wasn’t answered. Who do I contact?

Email us at support@coachsimona.com and a member of our team will get back to you in the next 48 hours (Monday - Friday).

P.S. Skipped to the bottom of the page? Here's the TL;DR:

You'll get The Self-Love Toolkit (instant download) that has the SAME set of
500+ journaling prompts, exercises, templates, workbooks, worksheets, and more...
that I've used to help hundreds of women build self-confidence and learn how to love themselves, unconditionally.
I will also show you step by step how to create your self-love practice so that you can start seeing results RIGHT AWAY with less than 15 minutes per day.
This isn't just for women who have never tried self-love practices before.
There are plenty of secret strategies and advanced techniques that you won't be able to find anywhere else.
And for a limited time it's only $47. That's it.
Just click the button below right now to get started!
Ready to stop finding excuses and finally focus on yourself?

Self-love starts with one simple choice: 
for the first time in your life, you

 put  yourself  first.

This is your chance to do something
for yourself for a change.

Your future self will thank you for it.
Get The Self-Love Toolkit + All Amazing Bonuses for Just $47!

*Limited-Time Offer, One-Time Payment*

Here's what  you'll  get :
The Complete Self-Love Toolkit ($862 Value)
  • The Self-Love Masterclass ($197 Value)
  • ​The Meditation Vault ($147 Value)
  • ​The Self-Acceptance Guide ($77 Value)
  • ​The Self-Love Journal ($197 Value)
  • 365 Days of Self-Care ($97 Value)
  • The Self-Compassion Method ($147 Value)
    Plus these bonuses:
    • BONUS #1: The Miracle Morning Routine ($77 Value)
    • BONUS #2: The Healthy Boundaries Blueprint ($197 Value)
    • BONUS #3: The Dream Life Formula ($97 Value)
    Total Value: $1,233
    $97 $47
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    ONE TIME OFFER - Only $17!: When you order Mindset Mastery today for just ONE payment of $17, you'll get instant access to my exact worksheets, templates, exercises, and journaling prompts! (This special offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

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    DISCLAIMER: Coach Simona is a certified Life and Relationship Coach for women. The information in her programs is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a licensed mental health provider. No counseling or therapeutic relationship is formed by purchasing her products or communicating with her via social media platforms.